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Project 01: Contextual Study: Jalan Petaling 

This project aims to allow students to learn and understand the place context and its role in constructing the place identity and the socio-cultural meanings through the identification of various physical and non-physical contexts of a particular street. The understanding of the relationship between architecture, social, and cultural context should be demonstrated in a manual sketch journal with relevant sketches and annotations. 

After completing the sketch journal, I have understood the difference between the physical and non-physical context in a particular place. Through observations and research conducted, with the help of sketches, I was able to better understand the relationship between architecture and the community it resides, how it interrelates and the roles each element play to reflect the identity of the community. I was also able to understand Jalan Petaling on an in-depth level after this. 

© 2022 by Chew Yun Fay.

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