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Project 2: Tectonics: Design Principles, Anthropometric & Ergonomics Exploration - Isolation Structure

Project Overview:

After learning about basic design elements, principles, and transformation in the previous project, students were introduced to the characteristics of different materials and their joints and joinery. In this project, we were tasked to express our personal experiences during the pandemic period through a self-isolation structure. By the end of this project, we should be able to create a scaled model that implements the understanding of tectonic, ergonomics and anthropometric.

Design Intention:

An isolation structure that embraces the feeling of uncertainties owing to loneliness whilst nourishes inner peace.

Presentation Board:

Presentation Board
Presentation Board
Presentation Board


The outcome of the 2nd project allows me to learn about body movements and how to incorporate them into a scaled structure. I also learned about the joints and joinery used for timber material and how to express my experience through the application of tectonics.

© 2022 by Chew Yun Fay.

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