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Project 01: Poetic Journey Structure - Spatial Translation

This project aims to explore a poetic structure that explains the expressive experiential spatial journey that speaks of a romanticized story of a paddy field. 

The outcome of this project intends to express the life journey of an individual that is similar to that of a paddy field by using the modifying elements of light & shadow, touch, & smell. The journey derived from the life cycle of the paddy field that begins with a shoot then turned into a youth vibrant green, matured into a golden field ready for harvest, & finally burnt brown, is used as our guide to creating spaces that reflect the passing of time and the feeling of nostalgia.

My biggest takeaway from this project ultimately teaches me to centre my focus on the genius loci of the site and to not force a story together, in the end creating something that is not personalized to the site itself. 

© 2022 by Chew Yun Fay.

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