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Assignment 01: Sustainable System in a City

In groups of 3, we were supposed to select 2 cities, one of which is preferably an undeveloped city. At the same time, the other should be a developed city that has overcome issues similar to those identified in the first city selected. We were then to analyse these 2 cities and compare them in the aspects of the 4 infrastructures namely red, blue, green, and grey infrastructure. After the research and studies, we came out with proposed solutions based on the precedent done from city 2, to address the issues in city 1. 

Through these studies and after going through the lecture contained in this module,  I was introduced to the concept of a sustainable city and the 4 infrastructures that are contained in a city. I also got the opportunity to come out with some solutions based on my studies, innovativity, and imagination to address the issues presented in the undeveloped city 1. 

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